Sabtu, 17 Juni 2023

Unmasking the Devil: Strategies to Defeat Eternity's Greatest Enemy - Ramirez, John Review & Synopsis


Satanist-Turned-Evangelist Gives You the Inside Strategy to Defeat the Devil's Plans! 

Many people, even Christians, deny the devil's power. John Ramirez doesn't have that luxury-he experienced the prince of darkness up close and personal.


In the impoverished streets of the South Bronx, John Ramirez found "acceptance" from a family of witches and warlocks. These practitioners of dark arts trained him to be a high-ranking satanic priest-a story told in his first book, Out of the Devil's Cauldron. However, everything changed when he met the living Christ.


In Unmasking the Devil, John Ramirez shares an insider view of how satan operates so you can avoid his traps and learn how to:



>> discern between the voice of God that directs to victory and satan's voice that leads to destruction. 

>> close the demonic doors satan uses to enter your life: entertainment, unhealthy relationships, greed, and false religion. 

>> activate the spiritual weapons of prayer, intercession, and Scripture to render hell powerless over your life.  

>> recognize how the spirits of Jezebel and Delilah attempt to infiltrate the church, create disunity, and render God's people powerless.  


No army goes into battle without first knowing the tactics of their enemy. Receive behind-the-scene glimpses of satan's strategies and equip yourself to live victoriously over the powers of darkness! 


"Spiritual warfare is a must for every Christian if they are going to survive in the coming years," says John Ramirez. "It's time to stop playing patty-cake with the devil and learn how to put hell on notice."


John Ramirez is an international evangelist, author, and speaker. For sixteen years he has been teaching believers from the Virgin Islands to Germany and on TV shows such as The 700 Club, TBN, The Word Network, and The Church Channel how to defeat the enemy. If you are interested in having John speak at your church or appear on one of your media shows, contact him at

Unmasking the Devil

Satanist-Turned-Evangelist Gives You the Inside Strategy to Defeat the Devils Plans! Many people, even Christians, deny the devils power. John Ramirez doesnt have that luxuryhe experienced the prince of darkness up close and personal. In the impoverished streets of the South Bronx, John Ramirez found acceptance from a family of witches and warlocks. These practitioners of dark arts trained him to be a high-ranking satanic priesta story told in his first book, Out of the Devils Cauldron. However, everything changed when he met the living Christ. In Unmasking the Devil, John Ramirez shares an insider view of how satan operates so you can avoid his traps and learn how to: discern between the voice of God that directs to victory and satans voice that leads to destruction. close the demonic doors satan uses to enter your life: entertainment, unhealthy relationships, greed, and false religion. activate the spiritual weapons of prayer, intercession, and Scripture to render hell powerless over your life. recognize how the spirits of Jezebel and Delilah attempt to infiltrate the church, create disunity, and render Gods people powerless. No army goes into battle without first knowing the tactics of their enemy. Receive behind-the-scene glimpses of satans strategies and equip yourself to live victoriously over the powers of darkness! Spiritual warfare is a must for every Christian if they are going to survive in the coming years, says John Ramirez. Its time to stop playing patty-cake with the devil and learn how to put hell on notice.

In Unmasking the Devil, John Ramirez shares an insider view of how satan operates so you can avoid his traps and learn how to: discern between the voice of God that directs to victory and satans voice that leads to destruction. close the ..."

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Warrior Mother

"A precious, hard-won, battle-tested companion for Christian mothers who seek to stand in their God-given authority. For every mother who desires to intentionally close the gaps and place boundaries around and within their children's hearts to overcome the enemy's snares, this book is for you." --Quantrilla Ard, PhD, wrote the foreword A battle of wills with your kids. A spiritual battle for their hearts. A personal battle to wake up and take on another day of parenting challenges. Moms face new fights every day. But what does it really look like to become a warrior for Christ, fully relying on his strength? Especially when you can't find the energy to even step onto the field. Victoria Riollano empowers and challenges mothers and gives them motivation. It isn't about new tips and tricks to manage your child's behavior; it's about seeking spiritual transformation for you! Warrior Mother offers you practical and authentic perspective from someone who understands and meets you right where you are. Warrior Mother is the playbook you need to move from defeated to defender. Biblical insights will encourage you with reminders of mothers in scripture as examples of faithful trust; suggestions for connecting with your Commander through prayer will fortify you; and questions for reflection will help you reframe your strategies for the future. Join Victoria and equip yourself for victorious parenting!

Chapter Seven: War of Deception 1. John Ramirez, Unmasking the Devil : Strategies to Defeat Eternity's Greatest Enemy (Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 2015), 17. 2. Tony Evans, “Using Prayer to Overcome Spiritual Warfare,” November 17, ..."

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 Unmasking the Devil : Strategies to Defeat Eternity's Greatest Enemy. Shippenburg, Pennsylvania: Destiny Image Publishers. Ramsey, T. (2008). A Comedian's Guide To Theology. Raleigh, Nth Carolina: Regal Publishing. Raschke, C. (2006)."

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2011); Bill Scott, The Day Satan Called: A True Encounter with Demon Possession and Exorcism (New York: ... Createspace Independent Publishers, 2015); John Ramirez, Unmasking the Devil : Strategies to Defeat Eternity's Greatest Enemy ..."

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Du suchst Halt in dieser unsicheren Zeit? Du sehnst dich nach Sicherheit und Trost? Du bist über die Ereignisse in dieser Welt besorgt? Vielleicht sogar beängstigt? Es gibt einen Hort der Sicherheit, der Kraft spendet, Geborgenheit schenkt und ewig ist. Sobald du diesen Hort der Sicherheit und diese Quelle der Kraft für dich erschlossen hast, ist sie unerschöpflich. Dieses Kompendium der biblischen Bücher möchte dich dazu einladen, dich auf die Reise zu machen, um eben diese unversiegbare Quelle zu erschließen. Hast du dich schon einmal gefragt, was die Bibel mit dir persönlich zu tun haben soll? Diese essentielle Zusammen-fassung aller biblischen Bücher gibt Antworten. Sie ermöglicht es dir, einen Überblick über die Heilige Schrift zu gewinnen, den Zusammenhang der einzelnen Bücher zu verstehen und einen unmittelbaren Bezug zwischen dem Inhalt der Bibel und deinem ganz persönlichen Leben herzustellen. Die Bibel ist nichts Abstraktes, sondern Gott spricht durch dieses Buch zu Seinen Kindern, die Er liebt und zu denen Er in Beziehung treten will. Erlaube Seinen Worten, dich zu berühren, deinem Leben eine neue Perspektive zu geben und dir damit eine ganz neue Welt zu eröffnen. Fühle dich zu einer Reise durch das Buch der Bücher eingeladen und dazu, jeder Thematik einer jeden Zusammenfassung dein Herz zu öffnen. Es empfiehlt sich, täglich eine Zusammenfassung zu lesen und die daraus entsprungenen Inspirationen mit in den Tag bzw. die Nacht zu nehmen. Du wirst erleben, wie sie dich, dein Denken und dein Leben positiv verändern. Dies alles habe ich euch gesagt, damit ihr in meinem Frieden geborgen seid. In der Welt habt ihr Angst, doch seid getrost, ich habe die Welt überwunden. Johannes 16, 33 Webseite der Autorin:

Siehe hierzu das Buch: Slaying Dragons, What Exorcists see & What we should Know John Ramirez - Ex-Satanist, heute Evangelist, Autor mehrerer Bücher, unter anderem Unmasking the Devil , Strategies to defeat Eternitys greatest Enemy."

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